tell us a story?

100 cards. The imagination of children. Endless stories and endless wonder.

If you believe in the power of imaginative stories to inspire creativity through wide-eyed wonder, this game will be great for you.

tell us a story? is a simple and clear storytelling game for children to play with the adults who care for them.

It is designed to provide participants with prompts that generate the basic architecture of a fantastical story. The story will be emergent and collaborative—randomized drawings from the deck invite participants to nudge their stories forward in exciting and unexpected directions.

News and Updates

  • Kickstarter LIVE!

    Follow the link below to support the project!

  • Site launch!

    We’ve just launched this new informative website for tell us a story?

“I like the story game.” - Izzie, age 7

“I liked it a lot. It was fun to play. I loved when a cheese weasel dug up from the ground and stole the cheese and I ran after it got the cheese and then I ate it, and the people that were asking me to get the cheese were mad at me because I ate it. That was one of my favorite parts.” - Seb, age 7

“I like it because it’s stories without bad guys.” - Levi, age 5

“I like telling stories with our game at the restaurant.” -Molly, age 4

“I like that it’s a story with my own characters like William my stuffy.” - also Molly, age 4

Have an experience with tell us a story? you’d like to share? Send word through the form below!

We are always adding comments, and we are also building an archive of the wonderful unexpected stories you’ve told!